#lol screw hiashi tbh
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ayyyez · 6 years ago
Neji meeting a girl from a notably influential clan in Konoha (they own the hospital or something idk) all who aren't afraid to talk mad shit to hiashi and hyuga nobles (because her clan can't stand the seal policy the hyuga have and find it barbaric) and does it in like that subtle "double talk" that nobles do. Doesn't take hiashi's shit and isn't afraid to stare the man down in the eyes, but also may or may not tell hiashi to straight up kiss her ass if he threatens her for disrespecting him
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a/n: OMG yes we love a legend who doesn’t take Hiashi’s bs! Bless you for this request. I get mad too, don’t you worry. AND YES DOUBLE TALK. LOVE. UGH! Nobody disrespects Neji in this house. 
-The moment the truth of the Hyuga clan was revealed in public (by Neji at the chunin exams) you were beyond angry. It had explained so much about Neji and the others you had seen come in and out of the hospital. Ever since you were young there seemed something very off about the clan. And now this confirmation begged the question: How could a leader do that to another member of their clan? And because of a manner of birth no less. Outrageous!
-Your clan had always been about healing and helping others, it was drummed into you at a young age since it was your clan who was in charge of the hospital. Violence among clan ranks seemed heinous at that point, something from the days of old before the village formed. So the second Neji lost the match and was carted away you made a point to march back to the medical bay and find out what was what. (You had only left to watch that match, there was no way you were missing Naruto and Neji fight). 
-Once you got to room, you were about to slam open the door when you overheard voices. After a few moments of eaves dropping you recognised them a Hiashi and Neji. You frowned but didn’t interrupt. You made to walk away from the door but another part of you, the part that was concerned about Neji’s safety and not just interested in what would conspire in such a conversation between to individuals, stopped you. 
-So, you leant against the wall next to the door frame, closed your eyes and listened to the conversation. You overhead bits about Neji’s father sacrificing himself but other parts came muffled. Then you heard reconciliation and that just didn’t seem enough to justify Hiashi’s actions. Torturing a child didn’t get you off that easily in your books. No way in hell were you letting this go.
-Footfalls echoed on the other side of the door indicating someone walking toward you. There was no point in hiding or moving, you weren’t afraid of being caught. When Hiashi opened the door and stepped through he noticed you immediately. A scowl found your face and a frown found his. Your stare held true even as he shut the door. ‘What business do you have here?’ Hiashi asked, finally. You piercing glare didn’t waver. ‘It’s my job to heal people, you know people like the branch members who are harmed by head households for the sake of tradition.’ 
-Hiashi didn’t so much as flinch but you could tell by his eyes that he didn’t take your words lightly. He sized you up with a glance then turned to walk away. ‘I’d watch your tongue around elders.’ He said, flatly. You scoffed. ‘I always choose my words carefully around those deserving of respect.’ He paused for a moment but did not turn around. Then as if nothing happened he walked away. 
-When you took a moment to collect yourself you went into Neji’s room and closed the door behind you. Neji was sitting there with a stunned expression on his face, clearly having overhead your conversation with Hiashi. You didn’t bother explaining or standing up for you behaviour, instead you went over and examined him. ‘Are you feeling alright?’ You asked, checking over his cuts and bruises. ‘Fine.’ He replied, watching you carefully. A heavy silence fell between you that spoke more than words could. 
-It wasn’t until you’d finish examining him that he finally asked, ‘Why did you do that?’ You met his eyes for the first time since entering the room. ‘Do what?’ You placed a hand on your hip. ‘Say such...’ He hesitated, ‘accusatory things.’ You smirked. ‘Was I wrong in my accusations?’ ‘Well not exactly but it doesn’t really seem your place.’ Neji wasn’t scolding you, no, he admired you but didn’t know how to be honest about it. He was ready to let it all go and here you were, an outsider telling Hiashi exactly what you thought. A small smile appeared on Neji’s lips. 
-From that moment your bond with Neji cemented and you continued to speak your mind. For that he was grateful but there were times even he didn’t understand how you could be so straightforward with a clan leader. Still, he never stopped you. Sometimes it would even make him smile the most genuine smile you had even seen from him. That was reason enough alone to critique Hiashi, in an appropriate manner of course. (He could kiss your ass for all you cared.)  
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